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Steven Kedie is the author of the novel Suburb, and is a co-founder of the music website Eight Albums.

Born, raised, and still living in Manchester, Steven has worked on supermarket checkouts, at Granada Television (a job he quit to go backpacking around Europe with his then girlfriend, now wife) and in the financial sector for a major bank. He has spent time in all jobs daydreaming about characters and plot twists in future stories. 

As well as writing fiction, Steven has a ongoing personal project, Scenes from the Beautiful Game, where he tries to document his love of football through writing. Extracts of this project, along with other, non-football related writing, can be found in the In Other Words section of this site.

Steven lives in suburbia with his wife and their two sons. His spare time is spent running, reading and trying to complete television. All of which get in the way of his football watching habit.